Feng Shui Consultancy International

Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

The literal translation of Feng Shui is: Feng = Wind, Shui = Water

Qi energy is the metaphysical energy brought by wind and water to a building.

Active Qi is responsible for wealth which helps us to work and inactive Qi is responsible for health and harmony. Feng Shui can supply the necessary Qi (energy) to make wealth, health and happiness.

The intention is to allow the reader or potential client to take a brief glimpse into the fascinating field of study and provide a frame of reference into how a trained consultant using the art and scient of Classical Feng Shui in a modern world can improve your life.

Why Chose Feng Shui Research Centre – UAE ?

Not only do we have a wealth of experience (see a list of Our Clients on the About Us page) but we also have a unique way of dispensing with the “mystery” often used to shroud the subject. We have a straight talking approach and make access to the benefits of Feng Shui as “user friendly” as possible.

Feng Shui was practiced thousands of years ago by the ancient Chinese. It is an art which creates harmony and balance between us and our environment. Feng Shui International is one of the premier traditional Feng Shui center in Dubai offering the services of Feng Shui for business, health, Feng Shui for happiness and prosperity to individuals, families, business and corporates. We are one of the most trusted Feng Shui consultants in Dubai.

Luopan used in Feng Shui

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The Taiji
The He Tu
Xian Tian Bagua
Hou Tian Bagua
Luo Shu
9 Stars

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Recommended Reading - Reference Material